
Preliminary Advice

Because many of the people who might benefit from our services are dealing with situations which are unfamiliar, confusing and possibly intimidating, they are often worried and in need of rapid reassurance that help is available. Therefore, we provide an initial free telephone consultation for all new clients. Based on this telephone consultation, we can then advise on how we think you can best proceed, and how best we can help with the situations. Sometimes this initial consultation is enough to allay the worries of the individual, making it easier to understand the situation and take the necessary decisions and actions. If this is successful, we are always happy to have helped!

Preliminary Actions & Procedures

In certain cases, there are well-established procedures we can follow and we have experience of a host of previous cases we can use to inform us about particular problems or situations. This means that we can often help resolve matters quickly. Such an approach can often produce a resolution to problems within a very short time, reducing conflict, stress and worry.


Please note that is a member of the Box42 Group and trades under licence from Hughes & Co. Because we are discussing confidential matters and must comply with data protection law, ethical and insurance requests, we will ask you for brief contact information and will keep outline notes of your enquiry and any advice given. We will not disclose personal information unless compelled to do so. We may contact you for quality control, security, research and information purposes but will keep this to minimal and reasonable levels. We may use a mailing agent but they will be under a strict confidentiality requirement. No third party will ever receive any of your personal details unless we are legally compelled to release this information.