As much as possible, we like to think that our work helps children, young people and adults achieve their full potential and to gain the the maximim benefit and enjoyment from their learning, training and work environments. In order to to do this we provide advice and assessments regarding a wide range of situations and do our best to report fully on the strengths, weaknesses and potentials of the individual, as well as the most effective strategies available to meet their specific needs and goals.
We provide advice to individuals, schools, local authorities, businesses and other organisations and can suggest methods, strategies, materials and policies that will improve the effectiveness of their services, practices and provisions.
Our assessment procedures are wide-ranging, up-to-date, theoretically valid and reliable and supported by research. We can assess the strengths, abilities and needs of an individual in school and work situations, and produce reports appropriate to the requirements of the individual involved. The assessment could involve a series of activities including developing a case history, behavioural observations, direct inverviews with the individual, reviewing previous learning/work or testing attainment/intellectual development. The results of these assessments may suggest recommendations for training/coaching for the individual involved or for those with responsibilities for teaching, training, caring for or supervising that individual.